Milo is a shy gamer harboring a secret crush. Eliza is an outgoing athlete who managed to catch the eye of the hottest guy in school. They live entirely different yet completely normal lives. At least, they were normal... until they both stumble through a book portal.
They aren't just similar to the main characters, they've become them. Sucked into the land of the written word, they’re forced to battle blood-thirsty dragons and murderous creatures that shouldn't exist.
Their only hope of survival rests within the fable of the Red Ribbon Tree. With so many worlds at their fingertips, the pair must find a way to reach the completion of their intertwined story and return home before the words "The End" take on a deadly meaning.
When the sword and the pen are one in the same, every action leads toward triumph or tragedy.
If you love fish out of water adventures, portal fantasies, dragons, multiple POV romances that are suitable for any age, then one-click today and fall into this magical new series that's Inkheart meets Jumanji!
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